
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10699 From: ricochetproducts Date: 12/21/2014
Subject: Adding a pause for Z move

Hi Tom,  I have a Bridgeport mill that is controlled by Kflop/Kanalog

I only have X and Y Axis automated. This is only for positioning  the quill or knee will be operated manually. I am looking for a .c program that will pause the G code and prompt the operator to move the Z axis to position xx.xxxx then press Cycle Start to resume.


Thanks, Steve

Group: DynoMotion Message: 10710 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 12/22/2014
Subject: Re: Adding a pause for Z move
Hi Steve,

Are you using KMotionCNC?

Do you really need a C Program?  In KMotionCNC you embed special comments that will display an Operator Message Box.  The format is:

(MSG,Move the Z axis to position xx.xxxx then press OK to resume)


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10718 From: Steve Klemp Date: 12/23/2014
Subject: Re: Adding a pause for Z move
Hi Tom,  that is what I was looking for.  Yes I am using KMotionCNC
This is what I have:

( Square .500 material  )
( RICOCHET 2 Axis Postprocessor )
N20 G00 G20 G17 G90 G40 G49 G80 G94
N30 M06 T1
N40 G43 H1
(MSG,Move the Z axis to FULL UP position then press OK to resume)
N60 S3000
N70 M03
N80 M7
N90X0.000Y0.000S3000 F10.0
(MSG,Move the Z axis to position .265 then press OK to resume)
N120 G1X-3.495F10.0
N130 G1Y-3.337
N140 G1X-0.482
N150 G1Y-0.757
(MSG,Move the Z axis to position .530 then press OK to resume)
N170 G1X-3.495F10.0
N180 G1Y-3.337
N190 G1X-0.482
N200 G1Y-0.757
(MSG,Move the Z axis to FULL UP position then press OK to resume)
N230 G49
N240 G0X0.000Y0.000
N250 M2
N260 M09
N270 G28
N280 M30
This works very good
Once again,  Thanks for your help!

Group: DynoMotion Message: 10719 From: tmday7 Date: 12/23/2014
Subject: Re: Adding a pause for Z move
Wow, this is some nice info. :) Need to put this on the shelf for later.
Thanks for the post.
